Complaint Form

Brand eg: Samsung, Apple, Nokia, Huawei etc Note: Model numbers can be found on the back of your phone or if your battery is removable, it can be found when you remove your battery

Are there other mobile numbers also experiencing the same internet issue in your area?

Brand eg: Samsung, Apple, Nokia, Huawei etc Note: Model numbers can be found on the back of your phone or if your battery is removable, it can be found when you remove your battery Separated by a comma

Is the issue with voice calls or data?
Do you also face similar issue in other areas?
What is the connection signal (4G+(LTE),4G, 3G, 2G)?
Which of the following connection signal do you experience slow internet connection with (4G+(LTE),4G, 3G, 2G)?
Have you tested other device in the same location?
When do you experience this issue?

A number which we contact if your number is not reachable

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