Vodafone celebrates technology and human spirit with new brand tagline

Vodafone celebrates what the human spirit can achieve when combined with technology in a multi-market brand re-positioning with the introduction of new tagline - ‘Together We Can’. The new tagline emanates from Vodafone’s profound belief that the partnership between technology and society can build a better future for a more inclusive and resilient society.
“This day marks yet another significant milestone in Vodafone’s illustrious journey as a mobile telco brand that began with the first mobile call made in UK on 1st January 1985 – some 35 years ago”, said Mr Rajnesh Prasad, CMO of Vodafone Fiji. In Fiji, Vodafone commenced operations in 1994. The word Vodafone as a brand has been shortened for – “VO” for voice, “DA” for data and “FONE” off course stands the phone. So, Vodafone essentially stands for the transmission of voice and data over of a mobile phone. Conceived over three and half decades ago, little did we know that mobile phone would become such a dominant and inseparable part of our lives today,” said Mr. Prasad.
“In fact, with COVID 19 pandemic, connectivity through mobile technology has possibly been the ultimate saviour and a lifeline for the world keeping people employed as they worked from home and also keeping them socially engaged through the various online platforms whilst being in physical lockdowns.
“Can you imagine the world as it is today without mobile technology and connectivity?”, asked Mr. Prasad Would we be able to sustain the impact of global pandemic like we have done without technology?
Over the course of Vodafone’s history, the brand has evolved with time and advancement in technology to keep relevant with the changing consumer needs. Vodafone began its operation with its first tagline “How are You” and later to “Make the Most of Now”, “Power to you” and the last being “The Future is Exciting, Ready?”
The new brand positioning that comes into effect globally from 1st April, 2021 places the emphasis on ‘WE’, as in Together WE can. It personifies how the collaboration between the human spirit and innovation can achieve great things. The experience of the last 12 months during the COVID-19 crisis has demonstrated more than ever the critical role of connectivity and technology to keeping society, businesses and governments connected. As a purpose-led company, Vodafone fundamentally believes that technology can improve lives, and this new positioning builds further momentum to our purpose to connect for a better future and enable an inclusive, sustainable and resilient digital society.”
“Vodafone’s new brand position is inspired by consumer research which revealed that the role of technology is profoundly transforming in people’s lives. Findings identified how technology has evolved from something that simply excites people on a personal level, to playing a more meaningful part in making a difference on issues such as sustainability, societal development and empowerment.
Overtime, Vodafone’s “Together We Can” message will be further set in motion by the company’s deployment of even faster networks enhancing connectivity to people and communities alike, embracing communications technology to reduce carbon emissions, and supporting education, health and wellbeing to create a more inclusive and sustainable society,” added Mr Prasad.
The Together We Can campaign will commence globally from 2nd April, 2021, with a new 60-second television commercial, The Irrepressible Girl, featuring a young girl posing questions about the world around her, on the role technology can play in curing disease, fighting climate change and addressing digital inclusion. The commercial, along with a series of stories that will appear in print and digital advertising, will shine a spotlight on Vodafone’s critical role to help answer these questions.
The campaign will mark the introduction of a refreshed brand identity with Vodafone’s iconic Speech mark logo and red colour scheme. The programme will run simultaneously in 30 markets, including Europe, Africa, Australasia and the Pacific.
Let’s celebrate the human spirit of “Together we Can”